【讲座主题】Economic Implications of Demographic Change: Risks and Opportunities for Aging Societies
【主讲人】Marta Tienda (美国普林斯顿大学教授)
【主持人】谢宇 (北京大学讲座教授、美国普林斯顿大学教授)
Both Korea and the United States made formidable investments in public education as the baby boom generations came of age and both nations harnessed demographic dividends as fertility declined. Population aging poses new challenges for national prosperity because the social safety nets for children and seniors are highly unequal and the share of the federal budget allocated to youth has been diminishing. The U.S. demographic experience, which now involves unprecedent diversification has important lessons for other nations, like China, whose rapid fertility decline has accelerated population aging.
Marta Tienda是美国普林斯顿大学Maurice P. During '22讲席教授,美国艺术与科学院院士、美国政治与社会科学院院士、美国科学促进协会(AAAS)会士、美国教育科学院院士。历任美国人口学会前主席、普林斯顿人口研究中心前主任、芝加哥社会学系前系主任,以及美国社会科学领域多个重要学术委员会委员。研究广泛涉及教育、贫困、就业、移民和社会不平等等议题。