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澳大利亚国立大学 James Raymer 教授来我中心开展讲座

2016年4月6日下午,澳大利亚国立大学James Raymer 教授来我中心为研究人员和研究生讲座。

    “The Demographic Diversity of Immigrant Populations in Australia ”

    Australia has one of the largest percentages of immigrant populations in the developed world with a highly regulated system of immigration control. However, not all immigrants have the same characteristics, and the situation of immigrant populations within Australia vary greatly according to where they come from and where they settle. This paper provides a description of the demographic diversity of immigrants in Australia between 2006 and 2011 for the purpose of better understanding both the short and long-term consequences of migration coming from a multitude of places around the world.  Not surprisingly, we find huge differences in the population growth, settlement and ageing patterns. These differences are explained according to historical shifts in migration policies and economic conditions.

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