11月25日(周三)中午,人口学系刘铮系列讲座暨严肃的人口学八卦青年沙龙邀请昆山杜克大学助理教授王宇为大家带来讲座。本次讲座题目为:Time or Money? The gendered effect of relative working hours and economic dependency on the unpaid care work in urban China。
【时间】2020年11月25日(周三)中午 12:00-13:30
【地点】腾讯会议:727 624 975; 密码:201125
Dr. Yu Wang is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Duke Kunshan University. She received her BS and MS in Sociology from Renmin University and her MS and PhD in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2017). Her research focuses on the role of intermarriage and individual achievement as pathways to social mobility, and work and family conflicts in China. A second line of her research focuses on sexuality and reproductive behavior in the US. Her current projects are about the interaction between demographic changes and assortative mating in contemporary China and domestic division of labor. Her articles have appeared in journals, such as Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, American Journal of Public Health, and Contraception.
王宇,昆山杜克大学社会学助理教授,获得人民大学社会学学士和硕士学位, 2017年获得威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校社会学硕士学位和博士学位,主要研究中国经济社会人口结构迅速变动下通婚和个人成就对社会流动所起的作用,工作与家庭的冲突,以及美国的性与生育问题,当前研究项目是关于当代中国婚配与人口结构变动的相互影响和家庭内部劳动分工问题。她的文章刊登在各大刊物,例如Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, American Journal ofPublic Health和Contraception等。
